Thursday, March 25, 2010

The late Mrs-Wong-Lee Siok Tin- we missed her very much

The late Mrs Wong-Lee Siok Tin rose from the rank of journalist-producer to the top executive of the then Singapore Broadcasting Corporation. She spent a good part of her life (29 years)serving this media institution on the Caldecott Hill estate. I knew her from 60s to 80s when I was a young technician in the TV studios and as engineer-in-charge of operations. She was a humble and hardworking General Manager . Never known to have a temper, she was a caring general manager to her staff. She had a pleasant disposition and cut a very nice figure in her cheongsam- always. I never got to tell her that she looked lovely in her cheongsam.
She worked late hours and was well-known as a workaholic. She was a task-master but never a slave-driver. I was very impressed with her mastery of Queen’s English. This was witnessed by many international visitors. At one of the ABU meetings she was praised for her chairmanship and excellent speeches. She received many international accolades.
I could recall that at every National Day Parade she would sit beside us with all the other Management members. Her advice and direction to the NDP producer (at the Padang or National Stadium) was indispensable as she was able to recognize camera shots that had high impact values to viewers. She would advise VVIPs on how to look good on TV cameras .
I was told that during the earlier years (before I joined the department) she travelled many times with PM and his team during the Singapore fight for independence and merger. And she brought back many reports which were broadcast to keep the people well-informed.
She was a teacher before he joined RTS. She started in 1961 as a Programme Assistant rose quickly to Controller, Deputy Director and then Director of Broadcasting in 1978. She became General Manager of SBC in 1982 . She retired in January 1991.
Shortly after her retirement she lost her battle with cancer. It was with great sadness that we heard the news.
On occasions I would meet his younger brother Winston for a chit-chat at the Club. He said her sister was loved by everybody. She was a good sister to all. With a tearful eye he said “we missed her very much”

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